5 Easy Steps To Keep Bees Away From Your Home
Do you love going outside and enjoying nature, but hate having to worry about bees? Well, there's good news - with a few easy steps, you can keep bees away from your home without any trouble at all! In this article, pest control Willow Vale walk you through five simple tips that will help keep bees and other pests away from your property.

What is the Bee Problem?
There is a bee problem in the world, and it’s affecting your home. Bees are disappearing at an alarming rate, and the reasons are not clear. But one thing we do know is that bees are essential for pollination. Without them, crops will not grow and our food supply will be impacted.
One way to help prevent bees from becoming a problem in your home is to keep them away from flowering plants. Bees need pollen to survive, so eliminating flowering plants in an area where bees are known to live will help keep them at bay. Additionally, make sure you seal up any openings into your home that may provide access to flowers or nests such as roof eaves and windowsills.
How Do Bees Affect Our Lives?
Bees are important to our everyday lives because of their vital role in pollination. Without bees, many types of crops would not be able to be grown and we would have a much harder time getting food to eat. In fact, one third of the world's food supply is reliant on bee pollination.
Although bees are beneficial, they can be a nuisance when they start to swarm around your home. If you live in an area where bees are common, there are several things you can do to keep them away from your property.
One way to discourage bees from visiting your home is to install predator guards around your property. These guards are made out of plastic or metal and pose as a barrier for the bees. The idea is that the predators will kill the bees before they can reach your home. There are a few different types of predator guards available on the market, so it is important to find one that fits your needs.
Another way to keep bees away from your property is to plant flowers that attract them instead of flowering plants that they need for their honey production. There are a number of different types of flowers that will work well as bee magnets, including sunflowers, marigolds, daffodils, and irises. Planting these flowers in areas where you don't want the bees will help discourage them from coming onto your property.
How to Keep Bees Away From Your Home
If you're like most homeowners, you want to keep bees away from your home. But how do you do it without hurting the bees or your property? Here are some easy steps:
1. Keep Your Home Clean: One of the best ways to keep bees away from your home is to keep it clean. Their hives need space to live and work, so keeping the area around them tidy will help discourage them. Make sure to remove any flowers or other plants that could provide food or shelter for the bees.
2. Install Screening: Another way to keep bees away from your home is by installing screening around the perimeter of your home. This will prevent the bees from entering through windows and doors, and will also help keep them out of yards and gardens.
3. Use a Bee Barrier: If all else fails, you can use a bee barrier to keep the bees away from your home. These barriers are designed specifically to keep bees out, and come in various designs and sizes (depending on how much space you need to protect). Once installed, the barrier will stay in place until removed by a professional pest Control Willawong.
Keeping bees away from your home is a simple task that can be accomplished with a few simple steps. Make sure to keep all of the following in mind when trying to prevent bees from entering your home:
- Remove any food sources that could attract them, such as discarded fruit or honeycombs
- Make sure all entrances are tightly closed and secured
- Place bee boxes around the outside of your home so they cannot get inside
- Spray sweet syrup or sugar water on brightly colored objects close to the entrance of the hive to keep them at a distance.
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